Where is everybody??

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  • #411588
    Jack Broderick

      Hi everyone, I just joined BGI this year and hope to see some more activity too. I’m so excited to have received some D. wrightii

      Jack Broderick

        Sorry, that last post was truncated for some reason… In short, I have some daturas right now, I’m looking for some D. metel varieties like Box of Chocolates and Frilly Lizard, and I’m not quite ready for brugs at this time because I’m a recent college graduate and won’t have space until I can finally move into my own place. I’m glad to see some others are still active!! Sorry for the double post


          I’m sorry that I don’t have any fancy Datura seeds to offer you, Jack.   All I have are D. discolor, D. inoxia, & D. stramonium ‘Tatula’.


          I do have a few OLD favorite Brugmansias that are finally blooming up here in the North.

          Several of them are doing the “Color-Change” thing:

          Miss Emily – MacKenzie Day #1  &  Day #2

          Jinny Lind – Day #1  &  Day #2

          Painted Lady – Day #1  &  Day #2


            Kat: There is a lot to learn here and some of the worlds best teachers.


              I can not even figure out if I am a paid member?  How do we do that these days?



                Hopefully you are still here. I am going to try to log in more often.


                  We need to do this! The new members should have the same support I go when I first joined.  We use to have a shop.  Is it still in place?



                    Is this site still alive? LOL, I JUST joined.

                  Viewing 8 posts - 16 through 23 (of 23 total)
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