New Cultivar Name – Datura 'Wondrous Bella' – Herald 11 (2) 2015

Forums Public forums New Datura Cultivar Name Announcements New Cultivar Name – Datura 'Wondrous Bella' – Herald 11 (2) 2015

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  • #197880

      Cultivar Name: Datura ‘Wondrous Bella’
      Pod Parent: D. metel [triple yellow]
      Pollen Parent:  D. metel [double purple]’
      Originator/Hybridizer: Jeff Horder
      Seedling Parent (who grew the plant from seed): Jeff Horder (Australia)
      Flower Color: Mixed cream/gold and purple
      Color Pattern: Other (please specify below)
      Color Pattern Description: Speckled stripes
      Flower Opening: Fully (flower widely trumpet/funnel-shaped)
      Number of points per corolla: 5
      Foliage: Solid
      If variegated, type of Variegation:
      Fruit Position: Pointing Up
      Fruit texture: Smooth
      Fruit dehiscence: Disintegrates irregularly
      Species: metel
      If the cultivar is an interspecific hybrid, what species are involved?:
      Type of cultivar: Uniform(with respect to the selected characteristics), short-lived,more or less annual plants, propagated by seed, consistent from generation to generation
      Noteworthy Characteristics: Very unique colour pattern, and high resilience to pests ie broadmite and spidermite.

      Photo 1:bed3b11bccf51b224dfe0021a8709a5e.jpg

      Photo 2:a4daeb989d9ff5903a96420be29a166d.jpg

      Photo 3:0cc73692d66e0e95c396e55771051825.jpg

      Photo 4:dc94fc5b07acfff353bdf273ef14943b.jpg

      Click here to view the record


        So I assume this is the cultivar that needs to be added to the database?  I have fixed the error with the submission and the foliage variegation field

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