Hybridizer Database

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Don't know the cultivar name? Don't worry. This form will search the database for any of the categories below, or any combination of categories below. There are thousands of cultivars.

For best (and more refined) results, add as many fields as you know. Note that a search for "white" will show any cultivar with the word "white" in its title. It will also include cultivars with the words "whiter" or "whitest". Likewise, a search for only "BL" will include such cultivars as "Blanes", "Blessed" and "Dorset's Double", each of which contains the character string "BL" in the cultivar title.

Search results will show below, 48 to a page. To add additional search restrictions (e.g., white, single, trumpet flowers), just add another search characteristic. Adding additional search characteristics will restrict rather than expand the search. For example, a search for white, single, trumpet flowers will show only those results for flowers that are white AND trumpet AND single.  


Plant Origins

Flower Details


References in the ‘Publication’ and ‘Comments’ fields of the database

Publications with the year in brackets can be found in the bibliography below. ‘Retail list’ means a printed, dated and issued sales list or catalogue. BGI stands for Brugmansia Growers International. DDFGG stands for Deutsche Dahlien-, Fuchsien- und Gladiolen-Gesellschaft. Trumpeter is the Journal of the American [now International] Brugmansia & Datura Society.

Armitage, A.M. (2001). Armitage’s Manual of Annuals, Biennials, and Half-hardy Perennials. Timber Press, Portland.
Bristol, M.L. (1966). Notes on the species of tree daturas. Botanical Museum leaflets,, Harvard University 21: 229_248.
Bristol, M.L. (1969). Tree datura drugs of the Colombian Sibundoy. Botanical Museum leaflets, Harvard University 22: 165-227.
Giles, W. (2007). The Encyclopedia of Exotic Plants for Temperate Climates. Timber Press, Portland.
Gottschalk, M. (1998). Engelstrompeten: Träume in Duft und Farbe,. Self-published, Herbstein.
Gottschalk, M. (2000). Engelstrompeten,. BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, München.
Gottschalk, M. (2003). Engelstrompeten – Angels Trumpets,. Self-published [English translation of text of Gottschalk (2000), with some additional material]. Griffin, W.J. & G.D. Lin (2000). Chemotaxonomy and geographical distribution of tropane alkaloids. Phytochemistry, 53: 623-637.
Hay, A., M. Gottschalk & A. Holguín (2012). Huanduj – Brugmansia,. Florilegium, Sydney & Royal Botanic Gardens Kew.
Kirchner-Abel, A., W. Abel & V.M. Hesels (2004). Das grosse Buch der Engelstrompeten,. AKAWA Privatgarten Verlag, Duisburg.
Loewer, H.P. (1992). The Evening Garden: Flowers and Fragrance from Dusk till Dawn. Macmillan, New York.
Lord, E.E. (1964). Shrubs and Trees for Australian Gardens,. 4th edition. Lothian, Melbourne.
Menninger, E. A. 1966. Datura species in Florida gardens,. The American Horticultural Magazine 45: 375-387.
Phillips, R. & M. Rix (1997). Conservatory and Indoor Plants,. Volume 2. Macmillan, London.
Preissel, H.-G. (1992). Beschreibende Brugmansien-Liste 1992,. Herrenhäuser Gärten, Hannover.
Preissel, H.-G. (1993). Beschreibende Brugmansien-Liste 1993,. Herrenhäuser Gärten, Hannover.
Preissel, H.-G. (1994). Beschreibende Brugmansien-Liste 1994,. Herrenhäuser Gärten, Hannover.
Preissel, U. & H.-G. Preissel (1991). Brugmansia (Datura): Engelstrompeten,. Ulmer, Stuttgart.
Preissel, U. & H.-G. Preissel (1997). Engelstrompeten: Brugmansia und Datura,. Ulmer, Stuttgart.
Preissel, U. & H.-G. Preissel (2001). Brugmansia and Datura: Angel’s Trumpets and Thorn Apples,. David Bateman, Auckland.
Preissel, U. & H.-G. Preissel (2003). Brugmansia insignis _ die ‘auffallende Schöne’. Gartenpraxis, 2003 (9): 20-23.
Preissel, U. & H.-G. Preissel (2004). Neue Farben für die Engelstrompeten. Gartenpraxis, 2004 (7): 56-59.
Shaw, J.M.H. (1998). Variation in Brugmansia sanguinea. New Plantsman 5,: 48-60.
Shaw, J.M.H. (1998a). Brugmansia sanguinea cultivars – a correction. New Plantsman 5,: 192.
Shaw, J.M.H. (1999). Nomenclature notes on Brugmansia. New Plantsman 6,: 148-151.
Sunset (1988). Sunset Western Garden Book. Lane Publishing Co., Menlo Park.


Hybridizers Database

Evaluating Seedlings

Hybridizing Goals

Board of Directors 
International Registrar for Brugmansia and Datura - Al Maas
Seed and Pollen Banker  - Patricia Watson
Principal Officer -  Edna Murphree




About BGI Board Members, Advisors, Affiliations

BGI would like to thank our former webmaster, Mary Voss, for her many years of dedication in maintaining our website. Mary served as BGI webmaster from 2002-2017.