This form is for members in the United States, Canada, UK and EU Only
Thank you for your interest in joining BGI! Upon successful completion and submission of the form below, and payment (or after payment at PayPal if you choose to pay via PayPal), this page may reload.
When the page reloads, you should receive a message that your payment was complete. Nevertheless, it will appear that you need to complete the form again. You do not need to complete the form again! This is an unfortunate quirk of the software used to manage membership.
Once you have successfully submitted the form and paid, please look for email from BGI explaining how to login to your BGI account. If you do not see an email, please check your SPAM folder. Please place our "[email protected]" email address in your safe senders list.
The login page is Please bookmark it for future use.
If you run into problems, please email us at [email protected].
Please note that at the moment we are experiencing issues with credit/debit card payments. Paying via your PayPal account, at least for the time being, is recommended.